


  • A lipoma is a slow-growing, fatty lump that's most often situated between your skin and the underlying muscle layer.
  • A lipoma, which feels doughy and usually isn't tender, moves readily with slight finger pressure.
  • Lipoma's are usually detected in middle age. Some people have more than one lipoma.
  • A lipoma isn't cancer and usually is harmless.
  • Treatment generally isn't necessary, but if the lipoma bothers you, is painful or is growing, you may want to have it removed.
  • Causes


    Lipomas can occur anywhere in the body. They are typically:
  • Situated just under the skin. They commonly occur in the neck, shoulders, back, abdomen, arms and thighs.
  • Soft and doughy to the touch. They also move easily with slight finger pressure.
  • Generally small. Lipomas are typically less than 2 inches (5 centimeters) in diameter, but they can grow.
  • Sometimes painful. Lipomas can be painful if they grow and press on nearby nerves or if they contain many blood vessels.
  • Treatment: Modern Medicine


    To diagnose a lipoma, your doctor may perform:

        • A physical exam
        • A tissue sample removal (biopsy) for lab examination
        • An X-ray or other imaging test, such as an MRI or CT scan, if the lipoma is large, has unusual features or appears to be deeper than the fatty
        • Treatment: Traditional Medicine


          No treatment is usually necessary for a lipoma. Lipoma treatments include:

        • Surgical removal
        • Liposuction
        • Caution

          Risk factors
          Several factors may increase your risk of developing a lipoma, including:
        • Being between 40 and 60 years old. Although lipomas can occur at any age, they're most common in this age group
        • Genetics. Lipomas tend to run in families.
        • Prevention

          Since they're passed down through families, it isn't possible to prevent them.

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